Pro forma statement — A financial statement showing the forecast or projected operating results and balance sheet, as in pro forma income statements, balance sheets, and statements of cash flows. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * pro forma statement UK US… … Financial and business terms
pro forma statement — A financial statement showing the forecast or projected operating results and balance sheet, as in pro forma income statements , balance sheets, and statements of cash flows . Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * pro forma statement UK US noun… … Financial and business terms
pro-forma statement — financial statement that details future activity … English contemporary dictionary
pro forma — pro for·ma /prō fȯr mə/ adj [Latin, for the sake of form] 1: made or carried out in a perfunctory manner or as a formality 2: provided or made in advance to describe items or projections a pro forma invoice Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law.… … Law dictionary
Pro forma — The term pro forma (Latin as a matter of form ) is a term applied to practices that are , or seek to satisfy the minimum requirements or to conform to a convention or doctrine. It has different meanings in different fields. Accounting In… … Wikipedia
pro forma — A financial projection based on assumptions. Also, refers to a statement of income and balance sheets that exclude non recurring items. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * Ⅰ. pro forma UK US /ˌprəʊˈfɔːmə/ adjective [before noun] ► ACCOUNTING,… … Financial and business terms
Pro-Forma Forecast — A financial forecast based on pro forma income statements, balance sheet and/or cash flows. Pro forma forecasts are usually created from pro forma financials, which are forecasted using basic forecasting procedures. Often, revenues will provide… … Investment dictionary
pro forma — [prəʊ fɔ:mə] adjective 1》 done or produced as a matter of form. ↘denoting a standard document or form. 2》 (of a financial statement) showing potential or expected income, costs, assets, or liabilities. adverb as a matter of form or politeness … English new terms dictionary
pro forma — (Latin: as a matter of form) An accountant s projected financial statement for a business, based on the assumption that certain events will occur, such as a particular inflation rate … Business law dictionary
Отчет финансовый, гипотетический — (PRO FORMA STATEMENT) финансовый документ, который показывает прогнозируемые или ожидаемые суммы … Словарь инвестиционных и оценочных терминов
АУДИТ — AUDITСистематический процесс объективного получения и оценки компетентным независимым лицом материалов об указанной юр. организации, предприятии, обществе для определения и составления отчета о соответствии между заявленными экон. мероприятиями,… … Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов